Hello there! Welcome to My Sew Bliss, a place to learn about all things sewing. I am Alex Sorensen, a wife, mother to two rambunctious little boys, and a lover of all things creative.

I have always loved art and creating things with my hands. I grew up in a house where my mom was ALWAYS doing crafts so I’m pretty sure I got my love for creativity from her. I sewed a few times while at home but was never really interested in it.
When I went to college I wanted to take a creative class and my sister suggested a children’s clothing construction course she had previously taken. Anything small and children size always sounds adorable so I signed up! After that class I was hooked. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t the most amazing seamstress, and honestly I still am not, but it is all about making time to create.

I took all the sewing classes I could while in college and eventually started a YouTube channel to help teach others to sew. It was fun and mostly a hobby that I got graded on. I majored in Family Life so that I could take all the sewing classes and have them count towards my major. It was the BEST!
After graduation I had my first baby boy, Crew. I sewed for him a little and had a hard time finding a balance between mom life and everything else. I got lost for a while in postpartum depression and anxiety. But once I got the help I needed, I found so much light in finding time for myself to create. I needed that outlet to be myself so I began to sew and create more.

I had another little boy, Brigham, and really figured out that to take care of my kids I needed to also take care of myself. I focused on finding small chunks of time to do the things I LOVE and not feel bad about it.

I also realized how passionate I am about sharing my love of creating and sewing and started creating more videos and now this blog! I want other women to find their creativity and feel how amazing it is to create something beautiful with a little fabric, thread, and your hands.

I currently live in Provo, Utah with my husband, two adorable boys, and two adorable dogs named Zoii and Theo. We love living next to the mountains and taking time to explore this amazing world.