Holidays,  Sewing Notions

The Best Holiday Gift Guide for Sewists, $50 and under

Gift guide for people who love to sew $50 and under

Happy Holidays Friends! I loved putting this gift guide together as it includes many of my favorite sewing items. I decided to break up my gift guides and do a few different ones, so stay tuned for more in the coming days, like the ULTIMATE list, a guide of “fun” sewing items, and what a beginner sewist or someone wanting to learn to sew would enjoy getting. Today is all about gifts that are under $50. It can be tricky to know what someone would want for Christmas so I came up with this list based on things I have loved receiving as presents or hope to receive.

  1. Embroidery Scissors – I fully believe that you can never have enough scissors. I have about three different pairs of small scissors and one sits on my work table, another at my sewing machine and another as a back up and honestly I wouldn’t hate getting even more. I love these colorful Tula ones and have seen a ton of little ones that have designs like birds, unicorns, etc.
  2. Numbered Pins – I got these as a Christmas present a few years ago and they have been amazing! I love using these when I’m working on a quilt and need to remember what pieces are which or the order things go in.
  3. Zirkel magnetic pin holder – I have one of these and it is AMAZING! I love having a magnetic pin cushion because half the time I’m throwing pins in the direction of it and because the magnet is so strong it always “catches” it. It also doesn’t hurt that it comes in a bunch of fun colors!
  4. Lori Holt Cutting mat – I use my cutting mat all the time and who doesn’t love one that shows off their favorite colors. I love this honey and rose one (it’s reversible) but it also comes in a few other color combinations like blue and green.
  5. Nice Seam Ripper – This probably doesn’t seem to exciting but I LOVE having a nice cushioned seam ripper. It is so much better to hold and maneuver and just makes the awful process of ripping out a mistake a little better.
  6. Bag of bobbins —My husband got me a 30 pack of bobbins one year and it has been so nice to have whenever I start working with a new color or I want to fill up a bunch of white ones to keep on hand. You could always get pre-wound bobbins too but I like the option of getting a pack of empty ones.
  7. Wooly Felted Wonders — This press is a life saver when you are pressing seams open and don’t want to press extra lines, like in those sleeves. I love to grab it when I need a really clean press. And the wool on top helps so both sides are getting a good press as it soaks up the heat for the other side.
  8. Wonder Clips — You can never go wrong with wonder clips, and I fully believe you can neeeever have too many! These things are SO handy for any and all projects, but especially the ones where you have really thick or slippery seams.
  9. 100% Wool Ironing Mat — Just like I said with the wool press, this is just as amazing if not more. It makes a HUGE difference in how good of a press you get and how quickly you get it.
  10. Clover Hot Hemmer — Apparently I really like tools you iron with.. but this one has to be on here too. I hate hemming. There, I said it. But this little amazing simple tool, makes it SO MUCH EASIER! You can iron on top of it and it measures your hem, win win! This one is a no brainer!
  11. Beeswax with Holder — for years I never understood the hype around beeswax in the sewing room, but finally I tried it and WOW. It makes a huge difference when you do any kind of hand sewing. I used to hate hand sewing because I would always get my thread in knots but this little beeswax stops that! And I love the little holder it comes in that makes it so easy to slide my thread through.
  12. 10 pack of Rotary Blades — I’m always cutting with my rotary blade and I always forget to buy a new one and change it so I whole ten back would be awesome to have on hand.
  13. Clover Chaco Marking Tool — This is my favorite marking tool I’ve ever used. It’s clean and so easy to use and refill. I love how it comes in multiple colors so you can find what will work best for your projects. I have a white and grey one and I love having the option to use either one.
  14. Stash n’ Store — I always store this next to my sewing machine so my most used tools are always there and ready to be used when I need them. It is so handy and has the cutest color options.

Happy Sewing and Holidays Friends!!

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