Sew Experiement

Will it Sew through Plastic???

Hey Sewing Friends!! Today I’m starting a new fun and kinda random series. I was just driving in the car one day thinking about fun things I could do for my YouTube channel. I thought of other channels doing things like, will it taco? And I thought it would be cool to do that as a sewing version. So here we are talking about WILL IT SEW???

Each week I want to do a new video with a different category. This week I decided to do plastic items. As you can see in the video I started off with the thinner plastics like a ziplock bag and then went thicker and thicker and even tried to sew through a Prime bottle. Which if you have drank a prime you have how thick that plastic is! It was fun to play around and sew with some different things!

What do you think I should try and sew through next???