How to Make Children’s Pajamas
Pajamas are the PERFECT beginners sewing project. So it’s funny that it took me SO long to finally make my boys some. I think in my head they were too boring so I didn’t want to mess with them BUT they are such a quick project and there are SO MANY gooooood fabric choices out there these days that the minute I sat down and started doing these I fell in love!! Now I want to make my kids PJ’s for EVERY holiday! Valentines is coming up and I am trying to hold back from buying more fabric! And I know it will be like this ALL year long! Easter, St Patrick’s day, 4th of July, AHH! Give me all the cute holiday jammies!!! And don’t get me started on how cute they are once the kiddos are actually wearing them!
Okay, I will stop now! But have I convinced you? One more thing, They make the PERFECT gift! So even if you don’t have kids they are a great present all year round. My kids are always needing new PJ’s.
So now I am planning that every year, either the night of Thanksgiving or one of the days after, we will gift our kids new Christmas jammies, made by mom, and a Christmas book. And maybe I will throw in the movie or some snacks. We will see how fancy I get. haha I just love the idea of starting out the Christmas season with a present and now snuggly pajamas. Honestly, I may need to make myself a pair to not feel left out!
Check out How I made these darling Pajamas by clicking, HERE!