The Top 5 Tools You Need to Start Sewing
Walking into a sewing store can be very overwhelming to a beginner. There are wayyyy too many options and it can be hard to realize what you really need.
I am beginning to teach sewing lessons out of my house and I put together a small sewing kit for each student to go home with in the end and use during the lessons. Then I thought, why not share the information and take the stress of choosing what you need out for all beginners. I’m here for you guys! 😉
Here is the shortest video I may have ever made, to share with you my top 5 tools you need to start sewing. I know you can do it and I’m here to hold your hand and help you every step of the way.
It’s not always easy to watch videos so here are the full deets with links to the basic versions of these tools and the more “high end” sewing for the long run, version of these tools. The tools I’m using for my students are basic because this is just to get them started and see how much they enjoy sewing and how far they want to go with it. The “higher end” tools are what I love and use EVERYDAY!
- Glass Head Pins — I gave my students a 40 pack of glass head pins, and honestly I’m hoping that is enough. For larger projects you would definitely need more and I have loved using this pack.
- Seam Ripper — No matter what level of sewing you are at and how slow you go you will need at least a basic seam ripper at some point! I some how keep losing mine and having to buy more so I have bought a few cheap ones but it’s great to have a nicer more “cushy” one for longer unpicking sessions 😜 and this two pack is great for when I loose one.
- Marking Chalk — You need a fabric marking tool when you least expect it. I find myself reaching for it way more than you would think. To begin with I think it is perfect to have a triangle tailors chalk. BUT if you are planning to sew long term I highly suggest getting this marking tool by clover I have it in white and grey and it’s WONDERFUL! They are refillable and come in a variety of colors.
- 5” Scissors — Small scissors are PERFECT for evvverything. I use them to trim, cut threads, and sometimes even cut out fabric. For a cheaper option I would suggest a pair of 5″ Fiskars but always make sure you only use them to cut fabric and not paper! My FAVORITE small scissors though are my small Ginghers that I use for EVERYTHING!
- Seam Gauge — When you are sewing, whether it is apparel or quilting, you will be measuring small seams and pulling this out. I love the ones that have a point turner as well because you never know what projects you will need it for. And it combines two tools into one 🙌🏻 I want to get this one that has a large tool to line it up with.
And there you have it, My top 5 tools you need to start sewing! I know there are many more amazing tools out there but I felt these are the best to get you started.